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The mature bird has the head, neck, flanks, and rump blue grey, and the wings cinnamon, mottled with black. The breast is vinaceous, the abdomen and under tail    coverts are white. The bill is black, the legs and eye rims are red. The black and white patch on the side of the neck is absent in the browner and duller juvenile bird, which also has the legs brown.                                                                                                        

the European turtle dove may be recognised by its browner colour, and the black- and-white-striped patch on the side of its neck. The tail is notable as the bird flies from the observer; it is wedge shaped, with a dark centre and white borders and tips. When viewed from below, this pattern, owing to the white under-tail coverts obscuring the dark bases, is a blackish chevron on a white ground. This can be seen when the bird stoops to drink and raises its spread tail.                                                 

Migratory birds pass through the Arabian Peninsula in two trips:- The Going in  september, it will be in Europe, Central Asia and migrate before winter to Sudan, Somalia, and passes on the coastal areas, either coming back in april , opposite from Sudan to Europe and Asia, where the leaves free and looking for moderate states 


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